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Agriculture and rural development

The agricultural markets task force

The task force explained

The growing integration of the European agri-food sector in global markets has created important trading opportunities, but it has also caused greater exposure to market imperfections and increased price volatility. To counteract these negative effects the European Commission creatwed an expert group called the agriculture markets task force.

The task force discussed a number of issues with a view to strengthen the position of farmers in the agricultural food chain. The final report of the task force, including specific policy recommendations, was presented on the 14 November 2016.

The task force consisted of 12 members and met regularly between January and November 2016. During its work, the task force also called on relevant external experts and accepted contributions from third parties.

11. KVĚTNA 2018
Full report: Improving market outcomes – enhancing the position of farmers in the supply chain
11. KVĚTNA 2018
Executive summary: Improving market outcomes – enhancing the position of farmers in the supply chain

Policy recommendations

The task force made a number of policy recommendations some of which were adopted by the Commission as part of its policy agenda. These included increased market transparency, a ban on unfair trading practices and further changes to competition rules which allowed farmers to work together in producer organisations.

Task force members

  • Cees P. Veerman (Chairman) – Professor of sustainable European-oriented rural development at University of Tilburg and Wageningen University
  • Andrzej Babuchowski – Titular professor, Faculty of Food Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn; President of the Dairy Industry Innovation Institute
  • Jérôme Bedier – Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Secretary-General of the Carrefour Group
  • Gianpiero Calzolari – Coordinator of the dairy sector of Alleanza Cooperative Italiane
  • David Dobbin – Group Chief Executive of United Dairy Farmers
  • Louise Fresco – President of Wageningen University and Research Centre
  • Helfried Giesen – Retired Chief Executive of the Board of the meat cooperative Westfleisch SCE
  • Torbjörn Iwarson – Independent commodity markets adviser
  • Aniko Juhasz – General Director of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) in Budapest
  • Anne Laure Paumier – Member of COPA-COGECA cereals expert group; Deputy Head of Coop de France (consultant on grain market and risk management)
  • Igor Sarmir – Commercial relations expert at the Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food; Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • Esther Valverde Cabrero – Deputy Director-General for Food Supply Chain Structure, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment

Meetings of the task force

  1. January 2016

    Initial meeting of the agricultural markets task force

  2. March 2016

    Meeting on market transparency

  3. April 2016

    Meeting on futures markets, the European Fund for Strategic Investments and financial instruments

  4. May 2016

    Meeting on contractualisation and contractual relations between farmers and other actors in the food supply chain

  5. June 2016

    Meeting on collective self-help tools and EU regulatory environment

  6. September 2016

    Meeting on climate change – challenges and opportunities for farmers

  7. September 2016

    High level meeting on milk between high level representatives of the EU countries and the agricultural markets task force


13. LEDNA 2013
Inaugural meeting of the Agricultural Markets Task Force – agenda

13. LEDNA 2013
Summary report: first meeting of the AMTF

8. BŘEZNA 2016
Agenda: 2nd meeting of the AMTF

8. BŘEZNA 2016
Summary report: 2nd meeting of AMTF

19. ČERVNA 2016
Issue paper: Market transparency

19. ČERVNA 2016
Annex – agricultural data collected through the CMO and by Eurostat

12. DUBNA 2016
Agenda: 3rd meeting of AMTF

12. DUBNA 2016
Summary report: 3rd meeting of AMTF

12. DUBNA 2016
Issue paper: Futures markets

12. DUBNA 2016
Issue papper: EFSI – The investment plan for Europe

12. DUBNA 2016
Issue paper: EAFRD financial instruments

24. KVĚTNA 2016
Agenda: 4th meeting of AMTF

24. KVĚTNA 2016
Summary report: 4th meeting of AMTF

24. KVĚTNA 2016
Issue paper: Contractualisation

24. KVĚTNA 2016
Issue paper: Contractual relations in the food supply chain

28. ČERVNA 2016
Agenda: 5th meeting AMFT

28. ČERVNA 2016
Summary report: 5th meeting AMTF

28. ČERVNA 2016
Issue paper: Collective self-help tools and the EU regulatory environment

15. ZÁŘÍ 2016
Agenda: 6th meeting AMTF

15. ZÁŘÍ 2016
Summary report: 6th meeting AMTF

16. ZÁŘÍ 2019
Agenda: meeting on milk issues between high level representatives of Member States and the AMTF

16. ZÁŘÍ 2016
Summary report: High level meeting on milk


  • Akce
  • pátek 26. července 2024, 09:00 - pondělí 29. července 2024, 18:30 (CEST)
  • Libramont-Chevigny, Belgium
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