Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Agriculture and rural development

Strokovna skupina za izvedene finančne instrumente na primarne kmetijske proizvode in za promptne trge

Strokovna skupina je posvetovalni organ, ki zagotavlja svetovanje in strokovno znanje službam Komisije.


Služba Evropske komisije za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja je leta 2012 ustanovila strokovno skupino za izvedene finančne instrumente na primarne kmetijske proizvode in za promptne trge. Člani strokovne skupine zastopajo države EU in evropska združenja različnih kmetijskih sektorjev.

Strokovna skupina je posvetovalni organ, ki zagotavlja svetovanje in strokovno znanje službam Komisije v zvezi z:

  • delovanjem izvedenih finančnih instrumentov na primarne kmetijske proizvode in delovanjem promptnih trgov;
  • izvajanjem obstoječe zakonodaje in politik EU;
  • pripravo zakonodajnih predlogov in političnih pobud na tem področju.


Dvanajsto srečanje

16. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 18 April 2018
18. APRIL 2018
MiFID II and agricultural products
18. APRIL 2018
Contractual price arrangements and futures markets – Jean Cordier – Agro Campus Quest


Enajsto srečanje

16. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 20 September 2017
20. SEPTEMBER 2017
MiFID II – state of play
20. SEPTEMBER 2017
MiFID II – implementation aspects
20. SEPTEMBER 2017
German dairy futures – quality of price signals and hedging effectiveness
20. SEPTEMBER 2017
New regulations: impact on the futures markets

Deseto srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 15 March 2017
15. MAREC 2017
EMIR review
15. MAREC 2017
MiFID II – position limits on commodity derivatives
15. MAREC 2017
Update on MiFID II
15. MAREC 2017
New market transparency initiatives in DG AGRI
15. MAREC 2017
Dairy future markets


Posebno srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 9 November 2016
9. NOVEMBER 2016
Why a financial reform?
9. NOVEMBER 2016
Overview of the new EU legal framework
9. NOVEMBER 2016
MiFID II/MiFIR implementation (level 2)
9. NOVEMBER 2016
MiFID II – position limits on commodity derivatives
9. NOVEMBER 2016
Role of clearing houses and financial service providers
9. NOVEMBER 2016
Role of physical markets
9. NOVEMBER 2016
Challenges on MiFID II implementation

Deveto srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 13 April 2016
13. APRIL 2016
The functioning of the futures markets
13. APRIL 2016
Unintended consequences of C6 definition in MiFID II
13. APRIL 2016
Information on Agricultural Markets Task Force


Osmo srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 15 October 2015
15. OKTOBER 2015
MiFID II – ESMA’s draft RTS on commodity derivatives
15. OKTOBER 2015
Basic trading with the corresponding exchange of futures for physicals

Sedmo srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 28 January 2015
28. JANUAR 2015
Proposal for a regulation on benchmarks
28. JANUAR 2015
28. JANUAR 2015
Contracts between farmers, cooperatives and the food-chain and MiFID II


Šesto srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 10 July 2014
10. JULIJ 2014
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play
10. JULIJ 2014
ESMA’s MiFID II consultation and discussion papers: commodity derivatives

Peto srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 14 February 2014
14. FEBRUAR 2014
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFiD)
14. FEBRUAR 2014
Market Transparency – The U.S. experience
14. FEBRUAR 2014
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives
14. FEBRUAR 2014
IOSCO principles for the regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets
14. FEBRUAR 2014
Commercial market participants' view of financial regulatory reform


Četrto srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 3 October 2013
3. OKTOBER 2013
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
3. OKTOBER 2013
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives
3. OKTOBER 2013
EU sugar producers and financial markets regulation
3. OKTOBER 2013
EU sugar traders and financial markets regulation
3. OKTOBER 2013
Cooperative initiative by pig farmers – Smart hedging in the pig industry
17. MAJ 2019
The role of a potential European Agricultural Market Authority – suggested guidelines
17. MAJ 2019
Assessing the impact of speculators on agricultural prices – Presentation
17. MAJ 2019
Assessing the impact of speculators on agricultural prices – Study

Tretjo srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 18 June 2013
18. JUNIJ 2013
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
18. JUNIJ 2013
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives

Pomen terminskih pogodb in opcij za dobavno verigo žit in oljnic ter zaskrbljenost zaradi reforme finančnih trgov.

17. MAJ 2019
Trading sector
18. JUNIJ 2013
18. JUNIJ 2013
18. JUNIJ 2013
Durum wheat market and hedging implications
18. JUNIJ 2013
Role and importance of financial instruments for the economic viability of the EU livestock chain: the perspective of the EU feed industry
18. JUNIJ 2013
Derivatives in the European Dairy Sector: The challenge is not regulation

Drugo srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 7 March 2013
7. MAREC 2013
Regulatory reform of EU commodity derivatives markets
7. MAREC 2013
Financialisation of the agricultural commodity markets – the role of legislation
7. MAREC 2013
The impact of financialisation on commodity prices
7. MAREC 2013
Price convergence in agricultural commodity markets
7. MAREC 2013
Transparency in agricultural commodity markets – the Dodd-Frank Act


Prvo srečanje

17. MAJ 2019
Agenda – 18 December 2012
18. DECEMBER 2012
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
18. DECEMBER 2012
Price volatility: drivers and implications
18. DECEMBER 2012
The functioning of the futures markets: challenges and opportunities
18. DECEMBER 2012
Speculation and recent agricultural price spikes
18. DECEMBER 2012
Research on agricultural futures markets from the perspective of a member state
