Glavni sadržaj
Agriculture and rural development

Stručna skupina za poljoprivredne robne izvedenice i promptna tržišta

Ta stručna skupina savjetodavno je tijelo čija je zadaća pružati savjete i stručno znanje Komisijinim službama.


U 2012. Služba za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj Europske komisije osnovala je stručnu skupinu za poljoprivredne robne izvedenice i promptna tržišta. Članovi te stručne skupine predstavljaju države članice EU-a i europska udruženja iz raznih poljoprivrednih sektora.

Ta stručna skupina savjetodavno je tijelo, a zadaća mu je pružati Komisijinim službama savjete i stručno znanje o:

  • funkcioniranju poljoprivrednih robnih izvedenica i promptnih tržišta
  • provedbi postojećih propisa i politika EU-a
  • pripremi zakonodavnih prijedloga i političkih inicijativa u tom području.


Dvanaesti sastanak

16. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 18 April 2018
18. TRAVNJA 2018.
MiFID II and agricultural products
18. TRAVNJA 2018.
Contractual price arrangements and futures markets – Jean Cordier – Agro Campus Quest


Jedanaesti sastanak

16. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 20 September 2017
20. RUJNA 2017.
MiFID II – state of play
20. RUJNA 2017.
MiFID II – implementation aspects
20. RUJNA 2017.
German dairy futures – quality of price signals and hedging effectiveness
20. RUJNA 2017.
New regulations: impact on the futures markets

Deseti sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 15 March 2017
15. OŽUJKA 2017.
EMIR review
15. OŽUJKA 2017.
MiFID II – position limits on commodity derivatives
15. OŽUJKA 2017.
Update on MiFID II
15. OŽUJKA 2017.
New market transparency initiatives in DG AGRI
15. OŽUJKA 2017.
Dairy future markets


Posebni sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 9 November 2016
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
Why a financial reform?
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
Overview of the new EU legal framework
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
MiFID II/MiFIR implementation (level 2)
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
MiFID II – position limits on commodity derivatives
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
Role of clearing houses and financial service providers
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
Role of physical markets
9. STUDENOGA 2016.
Challenges on MiFID II implementation

Deveti sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 13 April 2016
13. TRAVNJA 2016.
The functioning of the futures markets
13. TRAVNJA 2016.
Unintended consequences of C6 definition in MiFID II
13. TRAVNJA 2016.
Information on Agricultural Markets Task Force


Osmi sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 15 October 2015
15. LISTOPADA 2015.
MiFID II – ESMA’s draft RTS on commodity derivatives
15. LISTOPADA 2015.
Basic trading with the corresponding exchange of futures for physicals

Sedmi sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 28 January 2015
28. SIJEČNJA 2015.
Proposal for a regulation on benchmarks
28. SIJEČNJA 2015.
28. SIJEČNJA 2015.
Contracts between farmers, cooperatives and the food-chain and MiFID II


Šesti sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 10 July 2014
10. SRPNJA 2014.
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play
10. SRPNJA 2014.
ESMA’s MiFID II consultation and discussion papers: commodity derivatives

Peti sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 14 February 2014
14. VELJAČE 2014.
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFiD)
14. VELJAČE 2014.
Market Transparency – The U.S. experience
14. VELJAČE 2014.
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives
14. VELJAČE 2014.
IOSCO principles for the regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets
14. VELJAČE 2014.
Commercial market participants' view of financial regulatory reform


Četvrti sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 3 October 2013
3. LISTOPADA 2013.
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
3. LISTOPADA 2013.
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives
3. LISTOPADA 2013.
EU sugar producers and financial markets regulation
3. LISTOPADA 2013.
EU sugar traders and financial markets regulation
3. LISTOPADA 2013.
Cooperative initiative by pig farmers – Smart hedging in the pig industry
17. SVIBNJA 2019.
The role of a potential European Agricultural Market Authority – suggested guidelines
17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Assessing the impact of speculators on agricultural prices – Presentation
17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Assessing the impact of speculators on agricultural prices – Study

Treći sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 18 June 2013
18. LIPNJA 2013.
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
18. LIPNJA 2013.
ESMA’s work on EU financial regulation on commodity derivatives

Važnost budućnosnica i opcija za lanac opskrbe žitom i uljaricama i problemi koji proizlaze iz reforme financijskih tržišta.

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Trading sector
18. LIPNJA 2013.
18. LIPNJA 2013.
18. LIPNJA 2013.
Durum wheat market and hedging implications
18. LIPNJA 2013.
Role and importance of financial instruments for the economic viability of the EU livestock chain: the perspective of the EU feed industry
18. LIPNJA 2013.
Derivatives in the European Dairy Sector: The challenge is not regulation

Drugi sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 7 March 2013
7. OŽUJKA 2013.
Regulatory reform of EU commodity derivatives markets
7. OŽUJKA 2013.
Financialisation of the agricultural commodity markets – the role of legislation
7. OŽUJKA 2013.
The impact of financialisation on commodity prices
7. OŽUJKA 2013.
Price convergence in agricultural commodity markets
7. OŽUJKA 2013.
Transparency in agricultural commodity markets – the Dodd-Frank Act


Prvi sastanak

17. SVIBNJA 2019.
Agenda – 18 December 2012
18. PROSINCA 2012.
Financial markets regulatory reform in the EU: State of play (MiFID, MAD, EMIR)
18. PROSINCA 2012.
Price volatility: drivers and implications
18. PROSINCA 2012.
The functioning of the futures markets: challenges and opportunities
18. PROSINCA 2012.
Speculation and recent agricultural price spikes
18. PROSINCA 2012.
Research on agricultural futures markets from the perspective of a member state
