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Agriculture and rural development

Common monitoring and evaluation framework

Key information on CAP implementation, its results and its impacts.

The CMEF at a glance

The European Commission has set up the common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF) to assess the performance of the 2014-20 common agricultural policy (CAP) and improve its efficiency. A transitional regulation was introduced extending most of the 2014-20 CAP rules until the end of 2022.

Monitoring and evaluation results generate valuable information. They:

  • provide a sound analytical basis for future policy design;
  • help in setting policy and programme objectives, and are then used to measure how these objectives are met in the long term;
  • contribute to the accountability of public spending, playing an important role in responding to citizens’ concerns and questions regarding the use of taxpayers’ money.

To ensure proper monitoring and evaluation, the political objectives must be related to the planned measures. The CAP objectives are:

  • viable food production, with a focus on agricultural income, agricultural productivity and price stability;
  • sustainable management of natural resources and climate action, with a focus on greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, soil and water;
  • balanced territorial development, with a focus on rural employment, growth and poverty in rural areas.

The monitoring and evaluation framework for the common agricultural policy 2014–20

  • 1 JULY 2017
Technical handbook on the CMEF of the CAP 2014-20


The monitoring element of the CMEF provides key information on the implementation of the CAP. The Commission monitors today’s developments in agricultural markets, rural development and the use of CAP funds.

A number of indicator types were defined to support the assessment of the CAP's performance.

The selected indicators are presented visually and interactively in the dashboard by theme, including farming income support, climate change and air quality, market orientation and organic production.

The Commission provides an annual update of data (subject to availability) for a set of context indicators that reflect aspects of the general trends that are likely to have an influence on the implementation, achievements and performance of the CAP.

Related information

Annual data set of context indicators

Evaluations and Studies

Within the CMEF, evaluation is a tool to assess the impact of policy interventions. It provides evidence for decision-making and improves the effectiveness, utility and efficiency of CAP interventions. It also contributes to improved transparency, learning and accountability.

Evaluations of the measures related to income support for farmers, assistance for complying with sustainable agricultural practices, and market support are carried out by independent external contractors. This includes research bodies, universities and consultancy firms, who operate under the responsibility of the Commission on the basis of a multiannual evaluation plan. Contracts are established through a public tendering process. Tender notices and calls for tender are published on the platform tenders electronic daily.

The purpose, scope and timing of each evaluation is set out in evaluation roadmaps, which are open to feedback from citizens.

For the rural development programmes, evaluations are carried out by EU countries. The Commission produces syntheses of the ex-ante and ex-post evaluations prepared by the countries.

To ensure that evaluations are firmly embedded in the policy making process and that established benchmarks are met, the Commission has prepared guidelines and a toolbox for better regulation, outlining requirements and best practices for evaluations of the CAP.

The reports and findings of evaluations are listed in six categories:

CMEF reports

The Commission publishes reports on the implementation of the CMEF and the results assessing the performance of the CAP.

The first report on the monitoring and evaluation of the CAP for the 2014-20 period was presented to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in 2018 (COM/2018/790 final) and is completed by the second report published in December 2021.

Towards the PMEF

On the 6 December 2021, Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules on support for CAP Strategic Plans was adopted. This regulation establishes the performance monitoring and evaluation framework (PMEF), which applies for the CAP from 2023 until 2027.

The PMEF supports the shift in policy focus from compliance with rules to performance and results. This new performance-based delivery model uses a set of common performance indicators.

This set of common performance indicators includes:

  • output indicators, which will be used for monitoring the implementation of the CAP;
  • result indicators, which will be used to monitor EU countries’ progress towards pre-set targets;
  • context and impact indicators, which will be used to assess the overall policy performance against CAP objectives.

Further guidance on how to plan and report output and results indicators is provided in the cover note.

  • 1 JULY 2024
PMEF – Output indicators
  • 3 JANUARY 2025
PMEF – Result indicators
  • 7 NOVEMBER 2024
PMEF – Context and impact indicators
  • 3 JANUARY 2025
PMEF – Cover note on output and result indicators

Data for Monitoring and Evaluation (DME)

On the 6 September 2022, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plans and the provision of information for monitoring and evaluation was adopted. This regulation establishes a set of common rules to collect data which will be used to perform the monitoring and evaluation of activities during the CAP implementation period from 2023 until 2027.

The DME is a fundamental component of the PMEF and the performance-based delivery model. Five types of data are collected in the framework of the DME:

Further guidance on how to collect and report the different types of data is provided in the following documents:

  • 15 OCTOBER 2024
Guidelines for data on interventions and beneficiaries
  • 6 FEBRUARY 2024
Explanatory note for data on sectoral interventions
  • 6 FEBRUARY 2024
Guidelines for data on EIP Operational Groups
  • 6 FEBRUARY 2024
Guidelines for data on LEADER Interventions


The following rules govern the CMEF for:

The following rules govern the PMEF for:
