CAP Strategic Plans - European Commission
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CAP Strategic Plans

EU countries implement the 2023-27 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) through tailored national CAP Strategic Plans, targeting local needs while supporting EU objectives and the European Green Deal.

At a glance

Each EU country elaborated its own CAP Strategic Plan (except Belgium which has one for Flanders and one for Wallonia).

The CAP Strategic Plans include the anticipated intervention strategies, and the CAP instruments each EU country will use from 2023 to 2027 to achieve the CAP objectives. They ensure coherence across the CAP instruments, and the strategic and complementary use of resources.

In total, EU countries have planned 2 500 interventions in their CAP Strategic Plans.

The CAP Strategic Plans and their amendments are approved by the European Commission, which supports the EU countries throughout their preparations. For their approval, the Commission also assess whether they contribute to, and are consistent with, the EU legislation and commitments, including those laid out in the European Green Deal.

1 January 2023 marked the entry into force of the 2023-27 CAP and the beginning of the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans.

CSP overview facts and figures
  • General publications
  • 26 June 2023
Approved 28 CAP Strategic Plans (2023-27)

This document provides a detailed overview of the 27 EU members’ key elements and choices in their approved national plans. It also responds to requests for information to summarise what plans contain and aim to deliver.

In November 2023, the European Commission published an assessment of CAP Strategic Plans delivery on CAP objectives. It summarises the combined contributions of the interventions planned by EU countries. The Commission’s assessment draws on the studies carried out by an external body.

CAP Strategic Plans by country

The links guide you to the overview of:

  • the CAP Strategic Plan approved by the European Commission for each EU country;
  • their approval process;
  • the annual performance reports.

Monitoring performances

The European Commission uses annual performance reports (APRs) to monitor the CAP Strategic Plans’:

  • performance;
  • spending;
  • outputs;
  • results.

EU countries are required to submit their APRs by 15 February of each year covering the results of the previous financial year.


  1. 1 January 2023

    Entry into force of the common agricultural policy 2023-27 with the beginning of the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans in the 27 EU countries.

  2. 14 December 2022

    Approval of all 28 Strategic Plans (one for each EU country and two for Belgium) by the Commission marking the start of the new Common Agricultural Policy, scheduled on 1 January 2023.

  3. By 31 May 2022

    The Commission completed sending observation letters relating to all 28 draft CAP Strategic Plans that were submitted by EU countries. 

  4. 31 December 2022

    Deadline for the 27 EU members to submit their CAP Strategic Plans.

  5. By 31 December 2020

    The Commission provided each EU country with tailor-made recommendations relating to its strategic plan for the common agricultural policy.

The approval process was based on the criteria laid down in Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by EU countries under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans).


  • 23 NOVEMBER 2023
Factsheet: CAP Strategic Plans 2023-27
  • 19 APRIL 2023
Overview of EU countries' CAP Strategic Plans interventions
  • 14 DECEMBER 2022
CAP 2023-27 – 28 CAP Strategic Plans at a glance
  • 19 JULY 2022
Proposed CAP strategic plans – key facts and figures
  • 1 APRIL 2022
Proposed CAP strategic plans – summary overview
  • 18 DECEMBER 2020
Commission recommendations to Member States as regards their strategic plan for the CAP
  • 18 DECEMBER 2020
Annex: Commission recommendations to Member States as regards their strategic plan for the CAP
  • 17 DECEMBER 2020
Staff working document – Analysis of links between CAP reform and green deal
  • 7 MAY 2020
How the CAP 2023-27 will contribute to the European Green Deal
