EU country factsheetsPresentation of the main economic and agricultural data for each EU country.Rural development factsheetsAn overview of rural development programmes per country from 2014-20.CAP specific objectives by countryCountry factsheets for the 10 specific objectives of the common agricultural policy.
CAP specific objectives by countryCountry factsheets for the 10 specific objectives of the common agricultural policy.
RazstaveEU stand at the Salon International de l’Agriculture 2025sobota, 22. februar 2025, 09.00 - nedelja, 2. marec 2025, 19.00 (CET)Paris, FranceZunanji dogodek
VisitsEU agri-food business delegation to Japan nedelja, 8. junij 2025, 09.00 - petek, 13. junij 2025, 17.30 (CEST)Zunanji dogodek
News article24. januar 2025EU agri-food exports and imports reached record levels in October 2024Predviden čas branja: 1 min
News blog9. januar 2025Elisabeth Hidén: Empowering dairy farming through innovation and tradition Predviden čas branja: 4 min