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Agriculture and rural development

Apply for IPARD III funding

Application process to the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes

Apply for IPARD funding

To receive funding under the IPARD programme, an application needs to be sent to the national IPARD Agency, following a call for applications.

Application process

Before applying, applicants should consult the national IPARD programme, and details of the call for application, to find out:

  • the type of investments that can be supported under different measures;
  • the criteria that need to be met to be eligible for the support;
  • information concerning the maximum amount that can be granted for a given investment and how much funding needs to come from their own private sources;
  • the timetable of the calls for application in each country as set by the IPARD Agency.

Once applications have been submitted, they are assessed by the national IPARD Agency. Criteria for this assessment are given in each IPARD programme. The agency will check that the funding request for investment is reasonable and will plan a visit to evaluate the project proposal.

If this assessment is positive, the IPARD Agency will contact the applicant to sign the contract for the grant. This contract will detail the recipient’s rights and obligations. At this stage, the awarded investment project can be implemented.

Transfer of the funding

Once the project is completed, a request for receiving the grant from the IPARD Agency can be made. The agency will check that the investment is made in line with the contract and will transfer the relevant amount to the recipient’s bank account. IPARD countries may also decide, under certain conditions, to pay recipients an advance payment, ahead of the completion of the project.

The European Commission transfers IPARD funding to the national accounts to reimburse the grants actually paid by the national IPARD Agencies.

Publication of the projects and recipients

To ensure transparency about the support under IPARD, the IPARD Agencies are required to publish the list of the projects and recipients of IPARD III assistance on the website accessible to the general public. The list of operations and recipients must be updated at least every six months.

National IPARD III programmes

Each beneficiary country’s IPARD III programme includes a set of measures. For these measures to be implemented, the national authorities must receive an accreditation from the European Commission per measure. This implies that different measures may be carried out at different stages during the programming period.

The charts displayed per candidate country show the indicative planned total public expenditure per measure (comprising the EU support and the national contribution). The measures illustrated in the charts are the complete list of measures selected within the IPARD programme based on the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), which led to identifying the needs to be addressed by each country’s IPARD III programme.


Landscape of Albania and the national flag

The following measures are included in the IPARD III programme of Albania:

  • measure 1 (M1) – Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings,
  • measure 3 (M3) – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products,
  • measure 4 (M4) – Agri-environment - climate and organic farming measure,
  • measure 5 (M5) – Implementation of local development strategies – LEADER approach,
  • measure 6 (M6) – Investments in rural public infrastructure,
  • measure 7 (M7) – Farm diversification and business development,
  • measure 9 (M9) – Technical Assistance,
  • measure 10 (M10) – Advisory services,
  • measure 11 (M11) – Establishment and protection of forests.

Download the factsheet to find out some general information, examples of the main challenges in Albania, and some of the expected achievements and targets.

Albania factsheet
Factsheet8 March 2023
IPARD III programme 2021-27 of Albania

Albania in numbers including data on the country’s agricultural sector and information on funding for the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes. Examples of main challenges, some of the expected achievements and further contacts.

Legal basis

Implementing Decision (EU) of 9 March 2022 adopting the IPARD III programme of Albania (2021-27)

More information

IPARD website of Albania

Website of IPARD Agency of Albania


Landscape of Montenegro and the national flag

The following measures are included in the IPARD III programme of Montenegro:

  • measure 1 (M1) – Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings,
  • measure 3 (M3) – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products,
  • measure 4 (M4) – Agri-environment - climate and organic farming measure,
  • measure 5 (M5) – Implementation of local development strategies – LEADER approach,
  • measure 6 (M6) – Investments in rural public infrastructure,
  • measure 7 (M7) – Farm diversification and business development,
  • measure 9 (M9) – Technical Assistance,
  • measure 11 (M11) – Establishment and protection of forests.

Download the factsheet to find out some general information, examples of the main challenges in Montenegro, and some of the expected achievements and targets.

Montenegro factsheet
Factsheet8 March 2023
IPARD III programme 2021-27 of Montenegro

Montenegro in numbers including data on the country’s agricultural sector and information on funding for the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes. Examples of main challenges, some of the expected achievements and further contacts.

Legal basis

Implementing Decision (EU) of 29 June 2022 adopting the IPARD III programme of Montenegro (2021-27)

More information

IPARD website of Montenegro

North Macedonia

Landscape of North Macedonia and the national flag

The following measures are included in the IPARD III programme of North Macedonia:

  • measure 1 (M1) – Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings,
  • measure 3 (M3) – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products,
  • measure 4 (M4) – Agri-environment - climate and organic farming measure,
  • measure 5 (M5) – Implementation of local development strategies – LEADER approach,
  • measure 6 (M6) – Investments in rural public infrastructure,
  • measure 7 (M7) – Farm diversification and business development,
  • measure 9 (M9) – Technical assistance,
  • measure 10 (M10) – Advisory services.

Download the factsheet to find out some general information, examples of the main challenges in North Macedonia, and some of the expected achievements and targets.

North Macedonia factsheet
Factsheet8 March 2023
IPARD III programme 2021-27 of North Macedonia

North Macedonia in numbers including data on the country’s agricultural sector and information on funding for the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes. Examples of main challenges, some of the expected achievements and further contacts.

Legal basis

Implementing Decision (EU) of 9 March 2022 adopting the IPARD III programme of North Macedonia (2021-27)

More information

IPARD website of North Macedonia

Website of IPARD Agency of North Macedonia


Landscape of Serbia and the national flag

The following measures are included in the IPARD III programme of Serbia:

  • measure 1 (M1) – Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings,
  • measure 3 (M3) – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products,
  • measure 4 (M4) – Agri-environment - climate and organic farming measure,
  • measure 5 (M5) – Implementation of local development strategies – LEADER approach,
  • measure 6 (M6) – Investments in rural public infrastructure,
  • measure 7 (M7) – Farm diversification and business development,
  • measure 9 (M9) – Technical Assistance.

Download the factsheet to find out some general information, examples of the main challenges in Serbia, and some of the expected achievements and targets.

Serbia factsheet
Factsheet8 March 2023
IPARD III programme 2021-27 of Serbia

Serbia in numbers including data on the country’s agricultural sector and information on funding for the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes. Examples of main challenges, some of the expected achievements and further contacts.

Legal basis

Implementing Decision (EU) of 9 March 2022 adopting the IPARD III programme of Serbia (2021-27)

More information

IPARD website of Serbia

Website of IPARD Agency of Serbia


Landscape of Turkiye and the national flag

The following measures are included in the IPARD III programme of Türkiye:

  • measure 1 (M1) – Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings,
  • measure 3 (M3) – Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products,
  • measure 4 (M4) – Agri-environment-climate and organic farming measure,
  • measure 5 (M5) – Implementation of local development strategies – LEADER approach,
  • measure 6 (M6) – Investments in rural public infrastructure,
  • measure 7 (M7) – Farm diversification and business development,
  • measure 9 (M9) – Technical assistance,
  • measure 10 (M10) – Advisory services.

Download the factsheet to find out some general information, examples of the main challenges in Türkiye, and some of the expected achievements and targets.

Türkiye factsheet
Factsheet8 March 2023
IPARD III programme 2021-27 of Türkiye

Türkiye in numbers including data on the country’s agricultural sector and information on funding for the IPARD III 2021-27 programmes. Examples of main challenges, some of the expected achievements and further contacts.

Legal basis

Implementing Decision (EU) of 14 March 2022 adopting the IPARD III programme of Türkiye (2021-27)

More information

IPARD website of Türkiye

Website of IPARD Agency of Türkiye


Directorate G International

Directorate G International
Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development in the European Commission
AGRI-G4atec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Postal address

European Commission Rue de la Loi 130/Wetstraat 130
1049 Brussels