EU Organic Awards - European Commission
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EU Organic Awards

EU Organic Awards 2025

Celebrating excellence. Applications open until 27 April 2025.

Categories and awards

The EU organic awards comprise 7 awards across 6 different categories. They acknowledge different actors along the organic value chain that have developed an excellent, innovative, sustainable, and inspiring project producing real added value for organic production and consumption.

The inaugural EU organic awards took place in 2022. Be inspired by previous winners.

The applications for the fourth edition will open on 11 February 2025. You can preview the questions in the application forms, to help the jury obtain more information about the applicants.

  • a lady holding a dog, and a man holding a box of tomatoes
    Category 1: Best organic farmer (female) and Best organic farmer (male)

    The objective of this award is to reward a farmer (one female and one male). This award is organised by COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe.

    Specific attention will be paid to young farmers’ projects in order to increase their visibility, by showcasing their projects and highlighting their relevance (young farmers are defined as farmers that are maximum 40 years old (at the time of the deadline for the submission of applications).

    Apply now!

  • green undulating fields in a rural landscape
    Category 2: Best organic region/bio-district

    The objective of this award is to reward a region or bio-district. This award is organised by the European Committee of the Regions.

    Apply now!

  • several red roofed buildings alongside a river
    Category 3: Best organic city

    The objective of this award is to reward a city. This award is organised by European Committee of the Regions.

    Apply now!

  • rounds of cheese stacked on shelves
    Category 4: Best organic food processing SME

    The objective of this award is to reward a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) processing organic products. This award is organised by the European Economic and Social Committee.

    Apply now!

  • a lady standing in front of a set of shelves with trays of fruit and vegetables
    Category 5: Best organic food retailer

    The objective of this award is to reward an SME food retailer selling organic products. This award is organised by the European Economic and Social Committee.

    Apply now!


  • a male chef making the finishing touches to a plate of food
    Category 6: Best organic restaurant/food service

    The objective of this award is to reward an SM restaurant/food service restaurant (standalone or part of a hotel) and/or food service (caterer or canteen) proposing organic certified references in their menu. This award is organised by the European Economic and Social Committee.

    Apply now!

These awards are non-financial and will be handed over on 23 September 2025, which is EU Organic Day.


Reasons to apply

Do you want to contribute to the greater public awareness of organic production in the EU? Do you want to contribute to the greater affordability and/or accessibility of organic products in the EU? Have you developed and implemented, or are you still implementing, an excellent, innovative, sustainable, and replicable project for this purpose? Would you like to increase public awareness of the project?

If the answer to any of the above questions is 'yes', you should consider entering for the next edition of the EU organic awards. If you win, you will receive a non-financial recognition award and greater public visibility for your project. So, whether you are:

  • an organic farmer
  • a city or region serving organic meals to patients or pupils or otherwise promoting organic production
  • a business in the organic food chain with a unique approach

- you should think about entering the EU organic awards.

Application process

Applicants for the 2025 EU organic awards are asked to:

  • read the different sections of this website, in particular the eligibility criteria and the selection criteria;
  • choose the award category they wished to enter;
  • apply online from 11 February until 27 April 2025 23:59:59 CEST;
  • provide answers to closed guiding questions (some relating to the four principles of organic and the sustainability pillars), to help the jury to obtain more information about the applicants.


  1. 11 February 2025

    Launch of the application period for the awards

  2. 27 April 2025

    Deadline for the submission of applications: 27 April 2025, 23:59:59 CEST.

  3. June 2025

    Awards evaluation decision

  4. 23 September 2025

    Awards ceremony

Be inspired by the winners

Meet the winners of the 2022, 2023 and 2024 editions. Watch the full recording of the third EU organic awards ceremony that took place in Brussels

The third awards ceremony was organised on 23 September 2024, as one of a range of activities and events to mark EU organic day. The winners were invited to an event in Brussels to collect their awards. This event involved representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe.

About the EU organic awards

Increases in organic production contribute significantly to reducing the use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and antimicrobials and have positive effects on our climate, the environment, biodiversity and animal welfare. That is why organic production has been identified as playing a key role in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy and the Biodiversity strategy. For this reason, the Commission has defined a target of 25% of EU agricultural land under organic farming by 2030 and a significant increase in organic aquaculture.

The Commission has adopted the Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production in March 2021, including the launch of annual awards. They aim to reward the best and most innovative organic actors, contributing to the reduction of agriculture’s impact on the environment and climate.


The EU organic awards are jointly organised by the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Region, COPA-COGECA  and IFOAM Organics Europe.

The jury deciding on the final winners comprised representatives of:

  • The European Commission,
  • The European Economic and Social Committee,
  • The European Committee of the Regions,
  • IFOAM Organics Europe,
  • The European Parliament and
  • The Council of the European Union.

Organic farming, aquaculture and food in the EU

Regulation (EU) 2018/848 states in recital 1 that “Organic production is an overall system of farm management and food production that combines best environmental and climate action practices, a high level of biodiversity, the preservation of natural resources and the application of high animal welfare standards and high production standards in line with the demand of a growing number of consumers for products produced using natural substances and processes”.

Organic production is increasing in the EU. In 2019, 8.5% of EU agricultural land was under organic farming. This equalled 13.8 million hectares, up from 9.5 million hectares in 2012, a 45.8% increase. The countries accounting for most of the EU agricultural land under organic farming were Spain (2.4 billion hectares, 17.4% of the EU total), France (2.2 billion hectares, 16.2% of the EU total), Italy (2.0 billion hectares, 14.5% of the total) and Germany (1.3 billion hectares, 9.4% of the EU total) as per Eurostat organic farming statistics.

Across the entire value chain, almost 344,000 organic producers and over 78,000 organic processors were active in the EU. Organic farmers benefit from the price premiums that organic products fetch on the market and the rapidly growing final consumer demand for organic products. In 2019, the EU market accounted for 38.8 billion euro in a global market of 106.4 billion euro, second after the US market accounting for 48.2 billion. Large markets in the EU are Germany (12.0 billion) euro and France (11.3 billion euro), as per FIBL statistics.

Per capita consumer expenditure on organic products is highest in Denmark (344 euro, equivalent to 12% of grocery shopping) and Luxembourg (264 euro, equivalent to 8% of grocery shopping), as per FIBL statistics.

Consumer awareness of the EU organic logo is increasing. In 2020, 56% of Eurobarometer survey respondents recognised the logo, compared to 27% in 2017. 80% of survey respondents believe that organic products are more environmentally friendly and respect higher animal welfare standards.

Food for Europe podcast episodes

A selection of the Food for Europe podcast episodes are dedicated to organic farming in the EU, as well as the launch of the EU organic awards in 2022 and the 2023 awards ceremony. All the episodes of the "Food for Europe" podcast are released in English, French and German.


  • 20 JANUARY 2025
Leaflet: EU Organic Awards 2025
  • 14 JANUARY 2025
EU Organic Awards – practical guide
  • 14 JANUARY 2025
EU Organic Awards – general introduction
  • 10 FEBRUARY 2025
EU Organic Awards – privacy statement
