Crops - European Commission
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Agriculture and rural development

Invasion of Ukraine: impact on agricultural markets

A new dashboard has been created to provide statistics on the economic consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for farmers and food consumers, both in the EU and around the world. This includes information relating to input and output prices, production and stocks, and international trade.

Dashboard – Invasion of Ukraine: impact on agricultural markets


Market data

Statistics on cereals prices, production and trade.

EU cereals balance sheets

EU+UK cereals balance sheets 2015/16 to 2019/20

Market situation presentations

Global market situation for cereals

EU market situation (cereals balance sheets)

Agro weather conditions

EU cereals trade

Oilseeds and protein crops

Market data

Statistics on oilseeds prices, production and trade.

Balance sheet for oilseeds (EU)

Balance sheets for oilseeds (EU-UK)

Balance sheet for EU feed protein

Market situation presentations

Market situation for oilseeds

EU oilseeds trade


Crops market observatory expert group meeting agendas and reports.

These publications provide analyses of various topics related to EU agriculture, including farm economics, markets, social aspects and environmental matters.

A list of detailed agricultural market briefs, reports, and background data on price volatility until 2023.


A study on storage capacities and logistical infrastructure for EU agricultural commodities trade was produced for the European Commission. The conclusions, recommendations and opinions presented in this report reflect the opinion of the consultant and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Commission.

Final report

Executive summary

  • 12 MARCH 2018
Quality assessment: study on storage capacities and logistical infrastructure for EU agricultural commodities trade
  • 12 MARCH 2018
Methodology: study on storage capacities and logistical infrastructure for EU agricultural commodities trade


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