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Agriculture and rural development

Smaller Aegean islands scheme

European Union supports smaller Aegean islands.

Aims of the smaller Aegean islands scheme

Isolated from the Greek mainland, the smaller Aegean islands constitute an extremely fragmented insular territory.

Covering all the Aegean islands except Evia and Crete, many of these islands face problems due to insularity and severe geographic or natural constraints.

EU support to the islands

These islands benefit from a support scheme under the common agricultural policy, in addition to income support and rural development measures.

The scheme aims to:

  • limit the additional costs involved in transporting certain agricultural products to the islands;
  • foster the development of local production.

The scheme includes measures for specific supply arrangements for certain agricultural products, and adapted support measures for local agricultural production.

  • 15 DECEMBER 2016
Report on the implementation of the smaller Aegean islands scheme

In June 2023, the European Commission has launched an online consultation about the EU support schemes for agriculture in the outermost regions and smaller Aegean islands. The aim of the public consultation is to give stakeholders and the public an opportunity to provide their views on the implementation of the POSEI & the smaller Aegean islands schemes (SAI) in the 2014-20 programming period and therefore to provide evidence for the evaluation conducted by the European Commission.


The SAI measures are funded from the European agricultural guarantee fund (EAGF).

The annual budget for the SAI programme amounts to €23.93 million.

Legal basis

Specific measures for agriculture in favour of the smaller Aegean islands (Regulation (EU) No 229/2013)
