The EU provides a wide range of funding for farmers, communities and organisations across the EU as part of its agriculture and rural development policy. Additionally, there are many opportunities to tender for EU funded projects related to these themes.
Find the forms necessary to launch the awarding procedures for a contract or subvention, and the general conditions for low-value procurement contracts.
Calls for tenders
The Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development uses public contracts to buy services, such as studies, technical assistance and training, consultancy, conference and publicity services. The providers are selected via calls for tender.
Open calls for tenders
Find all the open calls for tenders published by EU institutions, agencies and bodies on the dedicated portal.
EU funding and tenders (F&T) portal
Prior information notice
Contract for networking activities in support of the common agricultural policy
Closed calls for tenders
Find closed calls for tenders from 2016 to 2023 for the Directorate-general for Agriculture and Development on the relevant portal.
Low-value contracts
The threshold for low-value contracts at the European Commission is €143 000. There are currently no contracts of this type advertised by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.
22869-2020 – Evaluation of intellectual property rights through EU geographical indication schemes PDO/PGI/GI
22870-2020 – Impact of imports on EU agri-food value chain
22872-2020 – Prep Action Smart villages
432537-2019 – Evaluation of mandatory indication of country of origin labelling for certain meats
024621-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Framework contract for the evaluation studies of CAP measures contributing to the general objectives of balanced territorial development
024623-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Pilot project: Analysis of the best ways for producer organisations (POs) to be formed, carry out their activities and be supported
024624-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Pilot project: Smart eco-social villages
024625-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Evaluation study of the instruments applicable to State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas
024627-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Analysis of administrative burden arising from the CAP
024628-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Study on progress in implementing the EU Forest Strategy
024629-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Pilot project: "Improving crisis prevention and management criteria and strategies in the agricultural sector"
024631-2018 – Belgium-Brussels: Pilot project: Restructuring the honey bee chain and Varroa resistance breeding and selection programme
Other funding
The European Commission co-finances projects that seek to inform the public about the CAP.
Grants are available for promotion campaigns for EU farm products, with a view to opening up new opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry.
Information on the types of income support available to farmers across the EU, including direct payments, green direct payments, support for young farmers.
Related links
The majority of payments from common agricultural policy funds are executed by accredited paying agencies, based in EU countries.
Information on beneficiaries receiving EU funding either via national and regional authorities or directly from the European Commission.