Are you curious about what Member States have planned in their CAP Strategic Plans to support the transition to more sustainable farming practices? Would you like to know what your country is doing for young farmers? It is all possible thanks to the CAP catalogue of interventions. This online, searchable tool lists all interventions planned by EU countries in their common agricultural policy (CAP) Strategic Plans. It will be regularly updated to stay in line with any amendments introduced.
EU countries started implementing their CAP Strategic Plans as of 1 January 2023. The first direct payments under the CAP 2023-27 started being paid as of 16 October 2023. Each Plan combines a wide range of targeted interventions addressing the specific needs of the EU country concerned. These interventions deliver tangible results in relation to objectives common at EU level, while contributing to the ambitions of the European Green Deal.
Each intervention is linked to specific objectives, output and result indicators. The CAP legislation includes 44 “result indicators”, linked to nine specific objectives. For example, in the case of young farmers, possible interventions can be complementary income support, financial support to help them set up and knowledge exchange and training activities. Output can then be the number of young farmers benefiting from setting-up support from the CAP over 2023-27 and one of the result indicators can be the number of jobs created thanks to CAP projects. The EU expenditure and public expenditure (EU + national funds) is displayed for each intervention.
In line with its transparency and monitoring commitments, the European Commission is providing unprecedented information online about the CAP Strategic Plans, their implementation and their contribution to achieve common EU objectives. It enables national authorities, experts, stakeholders, researchers and other interested parties to assess the progress of each intervention towards its objectives and see if the CAP is on track. The efficiency and effectiveness of the countries’ choices have to be seen in the context of different starting points, specific problems of each country, their farming structure, environmental challenges but also regulatory and compulsory requirements.
The first online dashboard of result indicators presents the targets set at national level by each EU country in their Plans, while the second on financial allocations provides detailed information on the financial allocation of interventions to the CAP specific objectives according to the links between interventions and specific objectives established by each EU country in their Plans. Finally, the CAP catalogue on interventions presents a complete overview of the planned intervention, expenditure and outputs at EU level and per CAP Plans, when relevant.
Users can search the catalogue by Member State, result indicator, output indicator and specific objective. All interventions presented are described with the budget always linked to them. Since CAP funding can contribute to several specific objectives in parallel- such as climate change and landscapes, or generational renewal and rural areas- the total financial allocation of all interventions is superior to the total CAP budget. The results of any search can be displayed as tables or graphs, all exportable and downloadable.
A tutorial will be available soon to provide a more user-friendly experience when looking for specific information. In the meantime, assistance is available at the following email address in case of help needed: agri-ext-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu
Related links
CAP Catalogue of interventions
CAP 2023-27 results indicators dashboard
Financial allocation to CAP specific objectives
European Commission | Agri-food data portal | CAP Indicators
- Publication date
- 25 October 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development