The Commission publishes all relevant documents such as agendas, minutes, conclusions, partial conclusions or working documents on the activities carried out by the civil dialogue group on horticulture, spirits, olives and flowers.
Exceptions to systematic publication will be made where disclosure of a document would undermine the protection of a public or private interest as defined in article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
- 22 FEBRUARY 2022
- 22 FEBRUARY 2022
- 2 DECEMBER 2019
11/11/2022: CDG HOS – fruit and vegetables sector
4/11/2022: CDG HOS – spirits drinks sector
25/10/2022: CDG HOS – olives sector
25/10/2022: Working group – olives sector
10/6/2022: Working group – olives sector
10/6/2022: CDG HOS – olives sector
8/4/2022: CDG HOS – fruit and vegetables and flowers sector
7/4/2022: CDG HOS – spirits sector
19/11/2021: cdg HOS – olives sector
19/11/2021: Working group – olives sector
29/10/2021: CDG HOS – spirits sector
1/10/2021: CDG HOS – fruit and vegetables sector
4/6/2021: CDG olives sector
4/6/2021: Working group – olives sector
23/4/2021: CDG fruits and vegetables sector
9/3/2021: CDG HOS – spirits sector
16/2/2021: CDG tobacco sector
13/11/2020: Working group – olives sector
13/11/2020: CDG olives sector
19/10/2020: CDG HOS – spirits sector
25/9/2020: CDG fruits and vegetables sector
18/6/2020: Working group – olives
15/6/2020: Working group – olives
– meeting cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19
15/6/2020: CDG olives sector
– meeting cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19
22/4/2020: CDG tobacco sector
– meeting cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19
18/3/2020: CDG fruits and vegetables sector
– meeting cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19
21/2/2020: CDG spirits sector
29/11/2019: CDG spirits sector
22/10/2019: CDG olives sector
22/10/2019: Working group – olives
27/09/2018: CDG fruits and vegetables sector
17/6/2019: Working group – tomatoes
7/6/2019: CDG olives sector
7/6/2019 p.m.: Working group – olives
20/5/2019: Working group – peaches and nectarines
5/4/2019: CDG fruits and vegetables sector
18/3/2019: Forecast working group – apples and pears
15/3/2019: CDG spirits sector
29/11/2018: Forecast working group – apples and pears
19/11/2018: Forecast working group – citrus
15/11/2018: CDG spirits sector
19/10/2018: Forecast working group – tomatoes
11/10/2018: School fruit and vegetables – joint meeting with milk CDG
9/10/2018: CDG olives sector
28/9/2018: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
22/6/2018: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
29/5/2018: Forecast working group – peaches and nectarines
25/5/2018: CDG olives sector
3/5/2018: Forecast working group – apples and pears
20/4/2018: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
13/4/2018: CDG spirits sector
13/4/2018: CDG spirits sector
1/12/2017: Forecast working group – apples and pears
22/11/2017: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
10/11/2017: Forecast working group – citrus
6/11/2017: CDG olives sector
16/10/2017: Forecast working group – tomatoes
13/10/2017: CDG spirits sector
11/5/2017: CDG olives sector
17/3/2017: CDG spirits sector
16/2/2017: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
9/11/2016: CDG olives sector
26/10/2016: CDG olives sector
18/10/2016: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
14/10/2016: CDG spirits sector
27/5/2016: CDG olives sector
15/3/2016: CDG spirits sector
26/2/2016: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
19/11/2015: CDG olives sector
13/10/2015: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
6/10/2015: CDG spirits sector
2/10/2015: CDG flowers sector
5/6/2015: CDG olives sector
27/2/2015: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
24/2/2015: CDG spirits sector
8/12/2014: CDG spirits sector
31/10/2014: CDG olives sector
10/10/2014: CDG flowers sector
1/10/2014: CDG fruit and vegetables sector
Related links
List of agricultural civil dialogue groups, organisation and responsibilities, legal basis for civil dialogue.