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Agriculture and rural development


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Documents (7083)

Showing results 7020 to 7030
General publications31 May 2018
Challenges for agriculture and rural areas: Economic dimensions - European Commission

Background evidence and analysis on the predominantly economic dimensions of the global challenges facing EU agriculture.

General publications21 April 2017
EU-China joint statement on the establishment of an EU-China project on capacity building for young professional farmers and agricultural professionals
General publications30 May 2018
Monitoring EU agri-food trade: Development until February 2018
General publications30 May 2018
Factsheet: EU-Iceland trade statistics
General publications22 May 2018
AU-EU agriculture ministerial conference, Rome 2017 - Conclusions
General publications16 December 2013
Report on the case for an optional quality term ‘product of island farming’
General publications6 December 2013
Report on the case for a local farming and direct sales labelling scheme
General publications17 May 2018
AU-EU agriculture ministerial conference, Rome 2017 - Concept note
  • AU-EU agriculture ministerial conference, Rome 2017 - Concept note
    (91.75 KB - PDF)
General publications17 July 2009
EU regulation 607/2009 on PDOs, GIs, traditional terms, labelling and presentation of certain wine sector products
General publications16 May 2018
China and European Union Factsheet