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Agriculture and rural development

Pigmeat statistics

Statistics on weekly and world pig prices, pigmeat remainders, EU historical prices, and EU production and trade, based on EU meat market observatory up-to-date market data and short-term analysis.


  • 9 AUGUST 2023
Dashboard: Pigmeat


  • 18 SEPTEMBER 2024
Weekly pig prices
  • 18 SEPTEMBER 2024
Weekly pig prices – details
  • 18 SEPTEMBER 2024
World pig prices

Historical series

  • 23 MAY 2024
EU pig historical prices
  • 23 MAY 2024
EU pig historical prices – details
  • 27 SEPTEMBER 2019
Private storage in the pigemeat sector 2007-16


EU pigmeat production

  • 17 NOVEMBER 2022
Pig livestock statistics


  • 30 AUGUST 2024
EU pigmeat trade
  • 30 AUGUST 2024
EU pigmeat trade by product
  • 30 AUGUST 2024
World pigmeat trade
  • 26 SEPTEMBER 2019
EU pigmeat historical trade

Related information

Pigmeat import tariff quotas


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