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Agriculture and rural development
  • News article
  • 25 November 2020
  • Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • 2 min read

Commission publishes feed protein and ethanol balance sheets

EU feed protein balance sheets

The European Commission has published the final EU+UK feed protein balance sheet for marketing year 2019/20. The total feed use amounted to 83 million tonnes of crude protein, of which 65 million tonnes are EU origin. 45% of the proteins are coming from roughage and 25% from oilseed meals and 22% from crops, mainly cereals. The self-sufficiency rate increased to almost 79%, on higher availability of roughage. However, it has not reached the 5-year average, also due to lower availability of EU rapeseed. This is the last Feed Protein Balance Sheet that will be published for the EU+UK.

In addition, the EU feed protein balance sheet for marketing year 2020/21 is published, for the first time during the first semester of the ongoing marketing year. This balance sheet is also the first balance sheet for EU27 only. The total feed use in the EU-27 is around 10 million tonnes of crude protein lower. More importantly, the self-sufficiency is lower by 1.5%, because of the higher share of roughage in UK feed. Another novelty is the inclusion of other proteins crops in the balance sheet. This category includes vetches, chickpeas lentils and other pulses.

For the ongoing marketing year, a lower demand for compound feed is expected, as reflected in a lower demand for cereals and oilseed meals. For roughage, a 6.5% increase in silage maize and 4.6% in fodder legumes is projected and total feed use is forecasted at 73 million tonnes of crude proteins of which 76% are of EU origin.

EU ethanol balance sheet 2019

The Commission is presenting the final EU 27+UK ethanol balance sheet for calendar year 2019, based on production and disposal data from the annual notifications of Member States.

Ethanol production from agricultural raw materials amounted to 63.5 million hectolitres of pure alcohol (HLPA) in 2019, representing a small decrease of 1% from the previous year. By far cereals is the main raw material used, representing nearly 80% of total production, followed by molasses and sugar beet (little less than 20%).

Disposal has slightly increased in 2019, up 1% to 71.7 million HLPA as reduced use of ethanol for food/beverages (-4%) and industrial purposes (-10%) were more than offset by an increase for fuel (+5%). Fuel outlet was the main use for ethanol representing 73% of the total, followed by food/beverages (14%) and industrial use (13%).

As for trade, the EU remained a net importer of ethanol with imports rising sharply to 9.2 million HLPA (+170%) with the US and Pakistan being the main suppliers.

Related links

EU crops market observatory


Publication date
25 November 2020
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development