European Commission establishes the European Board on Agriculture and Food - European Commission
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Agriculture and rural development
  • News article
  • 27 January 2025
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • 1 min read

European Commission establishes the European Board on Agriculture and Food

The European Commission has officially established the European Board on Agriculture and Food (EBAF), fulfilling a key recommendation of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture. Chaired by Commissioner Christophe Hansen, EBAF aims at sustaining a new culture of dialogue, trust and multistakeholder participation, at high level among the actors of the food supply chain and civil society, as well as with the Commission. The first meeting will take place on 4 February.

The call for applications to form the membership of EBAF has been completed, and the candidates have been selected. The Board will consist of 30 member organisations representing three stakeholder categories: the farming community, other actors in the food supply chain, and civil society, including areas such as environment and climate, animal welfare, and consumer issues. The group has been designed to ensure a balanced representation of these three categories. Selected organisations demonstrated the broadest relevant competence and expertise in agriculture and food at the Union level, as well as wide geographical representativeness across Member States. The full list is available in the Registry.

The EBAF’s primary tasks include providing high-level advice to the Commission on strategic policy developments related to the Vision for Agriculture and Food, as well as the follow-up on the Strategic Dialogue report on the future of EU agriculture. It will also foster dialogue and facilitate the exchange of experiences among its members, with a focus on ensuring coherence and synergy between Union policies and their alignment with private sector initiatives. Additionally, the group will assist the Commission in preparing policy initiatives in these areas and offer opinions on specific matters upon request, adhering to the deadlines set for such contributions.


In September 2023, President von der Leyen announced in her State of the Union address the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture which was launched in January 2024 and brought together major stakeholders from the European agri-food sectors, civil society, rural communities and academia to reach a common understanding and vision for the future of Union farming and food systems.

The European Board on Agriculture and Food's advice and opinions will complement the specific and sectorial expertise already available, including from the Civil Dialogue Groups.