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Agriculture and rural development

Agricultural markets in the organic sector

These reports examine the evolution of global and EU agricultural markets in the organic sector.

Market briefs

Organic imports

EU imports of organic agri-food products – key developments in 2023

Summary of key developments in 2023 in terms of origin and destination, as well as product categories.

EU imports of organic agri-food products – key developments in 2022

Summary of key developments in 2022 in terms of origin and destination, as well as product categories.

EU imports of organic agri-food products – key developments in 2021

Summary of key developments in 2021 in terms of origin and destination, as well as product categories.

EU imports of organic agri-food products – key developments in 2020

Summary of key developments in 2020 in terms of origin and destination, as well as product categories.

Organic imports in the EU – a first analysis: year 2018

Details of the main features of the imports of organic products into the EU from third countries in terms of both production and origin.

Organic farming facts and figures

Organic farming in the EU – a decade of organic growth

Key features of the organic sector including facts and figures on production, consumption, impact on sustainability, sales, imports, CAP support as well as research and innovation.

Organic farming in the EU – a fast growing sector

Description of the main features of the organic sector and the latest production and consumption trends published in 2019.

The rapid growth of EU organic farming – key facts and figures

Summaries from 2014 on organic areas, holdings and production, as well as some characteristics of organic farms (size and information on farm managers).

An overview of organic field crop and milk production in selected EU countries

Details from 2013 on the components of income of organic farmers in the field crop and in the milk sectors in several EU countries.


Facts and figures on organic agriculture in the EU

Facts and figures from 2016 on the main trends in EU organic agriculture and analysis of main crop and animal sector organic production.
