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Agriculture and rural development

Rural areas

The reports and findings of evaluations and external studies relating to rural areas, listed by year.


Final Report of the Preparatory Action - Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century – Bis (Smart Rural 27 Project)


Study on funding for EU rural areas

Evaluation on the impact of LEADER on Balanced Territorial Development

Evaluation support study of the EU support schemes for agriculture in the outermost regions (POSEI) and smaller Aegean islands (SAI)


Final Report of the first Preparatory Action on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century

Study on "Taking stock of how CAP Strategic Plans contribute to the objectives of the long-term vision for the EU's rural areas"


Study on the ENRD and the NRNs’ contribution to the implementation of EU Rural Development policy

Synthesis of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) ex-post evaluations of period 2007-2013


Synthesis of the online public consultation on a long-term vision for the EU's rural areas

Synthesis study of annual implementation reports of POSEI programmes and the programme for the smaller Aegean islands for 2015-2019

Impact of the CAP on territorial development of rural areas: socioeconomic aspects

The impact of the common agricultural policy on generational renewal, local development and jobs in rural areas



Smart eco-social villages (pilot project)


Synthesis of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) ex-post evaluations of period 2007-2013

Development of the European cross border agribusiness model region (pilot project)


Measures for agriculture carried out for the outermost regions and the smaller Aegean islands (POSEI)


Synthesis ex-ante evaluations on rural development programs 2014-2020



Investment support under rural development policy


Synthesis of SAPARD ex-post evaluations – update: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania


Ex-post evaluation of rural development programmes 2000-06

Synthesis of mid-term evaluations of rural development programmes 2007-13


Potential for diversification of the rural sectors in Albania and Montenegro



Ex-post evaluation of LEADER+

Employment, growth and innovation in rural areas

Synthesis of SAPARD ex-post evaluations


Employment, growth and innovation in rural areas

CAP measures applied to the outermost regions (POSEI) and the smaller islands of the Aegean Sea


Review of rural development instruments

Synthesis of ex ante evaluations of rural development programmes 2007-13


Mid-term evaluation of the Sapard Programme 2000-03

Synthesis of mid-term evaluations of LEADER+ programmes

The less favoured area measure in the 25 member states of the EU



Baseline and impact indicators for rural development programming 2007-13

Synthesis of rural development mid-term evaluations


Impact of actions implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2019/93 on the economic situation of the small islands in the Aegean Sea

Impact assessment of rural development programmes in view of post 2006 rural development policy


Ex-post evaluation of measures under Regulation (EC) No 950/97

Ex-post evaluation of measures under Regulation (EC) No 951/97

Ex post of objective 5b programs for the period 1994-1999(report available in French)

Ex-post evaluation of the Community Initiative Leader II


Evaluation of the Community aid scheme for forestry measures in agriculture Regulation (EEC) No 2080/92



Impact of the actions carried out in implementation of the agricultural component of POSEIDOM (report available in French)

Actions carried out in execution of the agricultural component of POSEIMA (report available in spanish)


Impact of the measures carried out in the implementation of the agricultural component of the POSEICAN program (report available in Portuguese)

Impact of actions implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2019/93 on the economic situation of the small islands in the Aegean Sea

Ex-Post Evaluation of the Leader I Community Initiative 1989-93

Interim evaluation of rural development programmes [Objectives 5(a) and 5(b)]