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Agriculture and rural development

Analytical briefs

These publications provide analyses of various issues related to EU agriculture.


multiple fruits
General publications5 July 2024
Analytical Brief N°4: EU imports of organic agri-food products – Key developments in 2023

This factsheet provides data on EU imports of organic agri-food products in 2023 and highlights key developments compared to 2022.

5 JULY 2024
Analytical Brief N°4: EU imports of organic agri-food products – Data
two combine harvesters operating in a wheat field
General publications9 November 2023
Analytical Brief N°3: Explore farm incomes in the EU

Overview of the latest socio-economic farm insights based on the latest data from the farm accountancy data network (FADN)

front cover image
General publications19 July 2023
Analytical Brief N°2: EU imports of organic agri-food products – Key developments in 2022

This factsheet provides data on EU imports of organic agri-food products in 2022 and highlights key developments compared to 2021.

19 JULY 2023
Analytical Brief N°2: EU imports of organic agri-food products – Data
front cover image
General publications19 July 2023
Analytical Brief N°1: Areas with natural constraints

Overview and socio-economic and environmental features of farming in ANC areas based on FADN data
