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Agriculture and rural development

Greece – CAP Strategic Plan

Flag of Greece

An overview of Greece’s formally approved strategy to implement the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) nationally, as well as information on the process and related documents.


5.3 million ha
Agricultural land
Rural areas represent 63% of the Greek territory and the agricultural land amounts to approximately 5.3 million hectares (ha).
Rural population
Rural inhabitants represent 31% of the Greek population, a share higher than the EU average.
700 000
Greek agriculture consists of about 700 000 farms, which are rather small in physical size with the average farm being 7 hectares.

Goal and strategy

The Greek CAP Plan responds to modern challenges through a balanced approach to the ambitions of the common agricultural policy for a more resilient, green, and digital agriculture, in line with the priorities of the European Green Deal. It marks the shift towards a new production model for Greek agriculture and the entire agri-food sector in Greece. The Plan focuses on improving competitiveness by promoting innovation and new technologies, fostering young entrepreneurship, and securing a fair income for farmers. Moreover, the Plan aims to reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture. The main priority remains the sustainable development of rural areas.

factsheet front cover
  • Factsheet
  • 9 April 2024
At a glance: Greece's CAP Strategic Plan

Overview of key elements and choices defined by Greece in its approved CAP Strategic Plan for the implementation of the CAP 2023-27.

  • Με μια ματιά: Στρατηγικό σχέδιο ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ για την ΚΓΠ
    (2.17 MB - PDF)

The full CSP and its amendments are available on the national authorities' webpage: Greece's CAP Strategic Plan. The completeness of the information provided in the link is solely the responsibility of the competent national authorities.

Annual performance reports

Greece presents the performance, spending, outputs, and results achieved with the CSP in the annual performance report. It covers both a qualitative and a quantitative overview of the CSP's implementation.

Greece's 2023 annual performance report on the national website. The completeness of the information provided in the link is solely the responsibility of the competent national authorities.


  1. 28 February 2024
  2. 21 November 2022

    The Commission approved Greece’s CAP Strategic Plan.

  3. 17 October 2022

    Greece submitted a revised proposal, addressing the Commission’s observations on the first draft.

  4. 4 May 2022

    Greece’s comments on Commission observation letter.

  5. 31 March 2022

    Commission sent an observation letter on Greece’s CAP Strategic Plan.

  6. 30 December 2021

    Greece submitted its first proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan.

  7. 18 December 2020

    Commission issued a Staff Working Document containing recommendations for Greece’s CAP Strategic Plan.

Legal basis

Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by EU countries under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans).


Specific requests to review the CAP Strategic Plan

  • 20 JULY 2023
Art. 120 letters – Assessment of the impact on the CSP of changes to Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, and the Effort Sharing Regulations

Implementing decision

  • 23 NOVEMBER 2022
Greece's CAP Strategic Plan – implementing decision
  • 23 NOVEMBER 2022
Greece's CAP Strategic Plan – annex to the implementing decision

Observation letters

  • 28 APRIL 2022
Commission observation letter on Greece's CAP strategic plan
  • 26 APRIL 2022
Greece's comments on Commission observation letter

Staff Working Documents

Commission Staff Working Document SWD2020 (372) – Greece

  • 30 MARCH 2021
Έγγραφο εργασίας των υπηρεσιών της Επιτροπής SWD2020 (372) — Ελλάδα
