The Cypriot farm labour force employs around 72 000 persons, the majority of which represent family holdings. Even though the unemployment rate between 2018 and 2020 reduced by 1% in rural areas, it remains the highest share in the country with 8.1%. Unemployment in rural areas remains an issue, especially for young people, in light of the aging population trend.

Goal and strategy
The Cypriot CAP Plan will provide an opportunity to renew the agricultural potential of Cyprus, creating a robust primary sector. It aims to respond to the concerns of producers and consumers, to attract younger generations, maintain social cohesion and promote a sustainable rural development. In parallel, it intends to protect the environment in which farmers operate. The Plan will work with a view to shift towards a new agricultural model, which respects the use of natural resources and commits to preserving and improving them.

- Factsheet
- 30 January 2025
Overview of key elements and choices defined by Cyprus in its approved CAP Strategic Plan for the implementation of the CAP 2023-27.
The full CSP and its amendments are available on the national authorities' webpage: Cyprus' CAP Strategic Plan. The completeness of the information provided in the link is solely the responsibility of the competent national authorities.
Annual performance reports
Cyprus presents the performance, spending, outputs, and results achieved with the CSP in the annual performance report. It covers both a qualitative and a quantitative overview of the CSP's implementation.
Cyprus' 2023 annual performance report on the national website. The completeness of the information provided in the link is solely the responsibility of the competent national authorities.
- 12 December 2023
The Commission approved Cyprus’ first amendment to the CAP Strategic Plan.
- 2 December 2022
The Commission approved Cyprus’ CAP Strategic Plan.
- 16 November 2022
Cyprus submitted a revised proposal, addressing the Commission’s observations on the first draft.
- 27 April 2022
Cyprus’ comments on Commission observation letter.
- 31 March 2022
Commission sent an observation letter on Cyprus’ CAP Strategic Plan.
- 30 December 2021
Cyprus submitted its first proposal for a CAP Strategic Plan.
- 18 December 2020
Commission issued a Staff Working Document containing recommendations for Cyprus’ CAP Strategic Plan.
Legal basis
Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by EU countries under the common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans).
Specific requests to review the CAP Strategic Plan
- 20 JULY 2023
Implementing decision
- 7 DECEMBER 2022
- 7 DECEMBER 2022
Observation letters
- 28 APRIL 2022
- 6 MAY 2022
Staff Working Documents
Commission Staff Working Document SWD2020 (370) – Cyprus
- 30 MARCH 2021
Related links
Overview of aims, history and current rules of the common agricultural policy, supporting EU farmers and Europe’s food security.
Key elements of the common agricultural policy for the period from 2023 to 2027.
National level CAP Strategic Plans combine a wide range of local and EU-level objectives to deliver targeted, tangible results.
Information on the delivery and application of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in each EU country.