The 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference took place online on 9 and 10 December. The theme of this year’s event was ‘Fit for 2030 – resilient EU agri-food systems and rural areas’.
- agricultural market | common agricultural policy | rural development
- Thursday 9 December 2021, 10:00 - Friday 10 December 2021, 13:00 (CET)
- Online only
- Live streaming available
Watch the video highlights of the 2021 edition of the yearly Agricultural outlook conference, organized by the European Commission on 9 and 10 December 2021.
Recordings of the conference sessions
Day 1
- Opening
- Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 5 – Farming’s contribution Introduction
- Session 5A – Climate neutral
- Session 5B – Bioeconomy
- Session 5C – Organics
- Session 5D – Role of trade
- Session 5 – Farming's contribution report
- Concluding remarks
Day 2
- 9 Dec 2021, 10:00 - 10:05 (CET)Day 1 – A long-term vision
Introduction by the Master of Ceremonies, Brian Maguire
- 10:05 - 10:30 (CET)Session 1 – OpeningThe CAP fit for 2030
Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture
The future of Europe: which role for farmers and the rural areas?
Dubravka Šuica, Vice President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography
- 10:30 - 10:45 (CET)Session 2 – Making peace with nature: solutions for a planet in crisis
Keynote speech
Inger La Cour Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme
- 10:45 - 11:00 (CET)
Coffee break
- 11:00 - 11:30 (CET)Session 3 – Setting the scene - the agricultural outlook in 2030
Moderator: Tamsin Rose
Highlights of the 2021 report "EU agricultural outlook for markets, income and environment 2021–31" and the global perspective
Tassos Haniotis, Acting Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director General, FAO
- 11:30 - 13:00 (CET)Session 4 – Resilient EU agri-food systems: the farmers’ point of view
Moderator: Tamsin Rose
Setting scene presentation
How do we measure resilience in agri-food systems?
Miranda Meuwissen, Professor, Wageningen University Research
Short presentations/videos/inspiring examples
Sharing experiences to improve resilience of agri-food systems
Simon Vetter, Farmer, Vetterhof
Morgan Ody, Farmer, Via Campesina ECVC
Edina Ocsko, Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 FARMWELL Thematic Network
Panel discussion
Which are the key drivers to improve resilience of agri-food systems in the EU?
Mihail Dumitru, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Agnieszka Maliszewska, General Director, Polish Chamber of Milk
Cees Vermaan, Chair of the European Commission mission board ‘Soil, Health and Food’ and former Dutch Minister of Agriculture
Francesca Hennig Possenti, Senior Lawyer at John Deere GmbH & Co. KG
- 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
Lunch break
- 14:30 - 16:15 (CET)Session 5 – Farming’s contribution to the “Fit for 55” package
Moderator: Brian Maguire
Setting the scene presentation
Farming and the climate neutrality objective
Christian Holzleitner, Head of Unitat the European Commission, Directorate-Generalfor Climate Action
Parallel Sessions
5a) Climate neutral farming systems
Moderator: Dave Keating
Alan Belward, Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Doris Letina, Farmer and Vice President CEJA
Katja Seidenschnur, Sustainability Director Europe, Middle East, North Africa at Nestle
Pierre Bascou, Director at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
5b) Bioeconomy
Moderator: Tamsin Rose
Barna Kovacs, Secretary General, BIOEAST
Johanna Routa, Research Manager, Senior Scientist at LUKE, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Carla de Carolis, International Biomass Expert, ITABIA – Italian Biomass Association
Oana Neagu, Director of the General Affairs team at Copa Cogeca
5c) Organics
Moderator: Brian Maguire
Jürn Sanders, Head of the Socio-Economic Department, FiBL
Nathalie Sauze-Vandevyver, Director at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Kurt Sannen, Farmer and Chair of IFOAM Organics Europe’s Interest Group of Organic Farmers
Peter Giørtz-Carlsen, Executive Vice President & CCO Europe, ARLA Foods
5d) The role of trade
Moderator: Shada Islam
Petr Havlik, Research Leader, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
John Clarke, Director at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Ailish Campbell, Ambassador of Canada to the EU
Marcel van der Vliet, President CELCAA
Angus Woods, Irish beef farmer
Report from the 4 parallel sessions and panel discussion
"Which contribution from the farming sector to the FIT for 55 package?"
Moderator: Brian Maguire
Commented by Pierre Bascou, Director at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
- 16:15 - 16:30 (CET)Concluding remarks
Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
- 10 Dec 2021, 09:15 - 09:20 (CET)Day 2 – EU Agricultural Outlook by 2030
Introduction by the Master of Ceremonies, Brian Maguire
- 09:20 - 10:20 (CET)Session 6 – General market situation
Moderator: Brian Maguire
Giampiero Genovese, Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Ondina Afonso, Chair of Continente Producers Club, Sonae
Iulia Sima, Vice-President of Cooperative Agroplant Bio Grup de Producatori
Sławomir Juszczyk, Professor, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
- 10:20 - 11:30 (CET)Session 7 – The agricultural outlook for arable crops and sugar
Moderator: Tamsin Rose
Pedro Gallardo Barrena, Farmer and Vice-President Copa
Dangis Nekrasius, Economic and Policy Analyst at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Jaana Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, Chairwoman of the Management Board, ADM
Jérôme Bignon, Trade & Economic Affairs Manager, Cristal Union
Hémeline Macret, Oilseed desk manager, stratégiegrains/TALLAGE
Session 8 – The agricultural outlook for specialised crops
Moderator: Brian Maguire
Frederic Rosseneu, Corporate Business Development Manager, Greenyard group
Marijke van Schagen, Socio-Economic Analyst, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Mireia Torres, Familia Torres, President Plataforma Tecnológica del Vino
Franz Ennser, CEO, Austria Juice
Juan Vilar Hernández, Strategic Consultant, Grupo Oleícola Jaén
- 11:30 - 11:45 (CET)
Coffee break – Virtual networking break
- 11:45 - 12:55 (CET)Session 9 – The agricultural outlook for meat and dairy
Moderator:Tamsin Rose
Sinead Waters, Research Officer, TEAGASC
Andrea Čapkovičová, Socio-Economic Analyst at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Frédéric Chausson, Director of Public Affairs and External Relations, Sodiaal
Miguel Angel Higuera, Director, Anprogapor
- 12:55 - 13:00 (CET)Concluding remarks
Tassos Haniotis, Acting Deputy Director-General at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Practical information
The 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference took place online on 9 and 10 December. The theme of this year’s event was ‘Fit for 2030 – resilient EU agri-food systems and rural areas’.
The conference examined what we expect global agricultural markets to look like in 2030, in light of the political and market uncertainty currently facing the agricultural sector. Will food systems be more resilient following the Covid-19 pandemic? Will the new common agricultural policy effectively encourage farmers across Europe to embrace the green transition?
Senior representatives from EU bodies and international organisations, farmers, agricultural experts and rural actors discussed these questions, as well as the broader medium-term outlook for agricultural markets, income and environment.
The EU Agricultural Outlook conference has become a successful annual event for broad exchanges among stakeholders on market prospects in agriculture, including the political framework and uncertainties surrounding market developments in the next 10 years. Each year the conference coincides with the release of the annual report on market prospects.