The 3-day event started with the opening address for the 2024 EU Agri-Food Days.
The focus was on the vision for agriculture and food. European farmers then had the opportunity to share their stories. Participants also discussed the position of farmers in the food value chain and the outlook for EU agricultural markets.
- 19 DECEMBER 2024
- 12 DECEMBER 2024
Video messages
The following video messages of farmers from Belgium, France and Poland were shown during session 3 titled "A fair remuneration for farmers from the market".
- Agnieszka Makowska (Poland)
Organic farmer
- Jean-François Blechet (France)
Arable crop farmer
- Léo Baillin (France)
Comté cheese milk producer
- Luc Vanoirbeek (Belgium)
Cooperatives representative -Fruit and vegetables sectors
- Yves Wolfcarius (Belgium)
Apples and Pears producer
Day 1 agenda
Catch a glimpse of the programme on 10 December 2024.
- 09:00-09:30High-level opening session of the 2024 EU Agri-Food Days
Opening speech
- Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
Watch the video
Keynote address
- Nadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Watch the video - Christophe Hansen, Commissioner for Agriculture and Food
Watch the video
- Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
- 09:30-11:15Policy Outlook session 1
Policy outlook for EU agriculture and the CAP: a vision for agriculture and food
Watch the video - 11:15-11:45Coffee break
- 13:00-14:30Lunch
- 17:00-18:00Networking event
Looking back on 10 years of Outlook Conference
Media gallery
Ursula von der LeyenPresident of the European Commission Nadia CalviñoPresident of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Christophe HansenCommissioner for Agriculture and Food Christophe HansenCommissioner for Agriculture and Food Policy Outlook session 1 Policy Outlook for EU Agriculture and the CAP: A Vision for Agriculture and Food Wolfgang BurtscherDirector-General, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission István NagyHungarian Minister of Agriculture Veronika VrecionováMember of European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Sasha TwiningMaster of Ceremony Massimiliano GiansantiPresident of COPA Policy Outlook session 2Farming for the Future: Voices from the Field Klarien KlingenFruit & Vegetable Farmer, Via Campesina Policy Outlook session 2 Farming for the Future: Voices from the Field Elin RydströmDairy Farmer and Vegetable Grower, Interest Group of Organic Farmers Swedish Organic Farmers Association (IFOAM Organics Europe) Vojtěch VálkaOrganic Winemaker & Farmfuencer Lidia Moroń-MorawskaBee Farmer & Farmfuencer Peter MeedendorpFarmer & President of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) Policy outlook session 3Key takeaways Pierre Bascou Director Markets, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission Cédric BenoistArable crop farmer, President of the cereal working group of COPA-COGECA Natalie HarsdorfDirector General for Competition, Austrian Competition Authority Agri-food days 2024Day 1 EU Agri-Food DaysDay 1 EU Agri-Food Days 2024Day 1 EU Agri-Food DaysDay 1
Related links
Agriculture remains a cornerstone of Europe’s economy and rural communities. Ensuring the active involvement of young people helps secure long-term sustainability, economic growth, and vibrant rural regions.
This report presents the medium-term outlook for the major EU agricultural commodity markets and agricultural income, from now to 2035.