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Agriculture and rural development

Public opinion on the common agricultural policy

By assessing and understanding public opinion, the European Commission is better able to shape the common agricultural policy around the needs and priorities of EU citizens.

The Eurobarometer survey

Since 2007, the European Commission has undertaken frequent Eurobarometer surveys on the subject of EU citizens, agriculture and the CAP. The Commission uses these surveys to chart public perceptions of agriculture, forestry and rural areas in the EU.

The most recent survey was conducted in the 27 EU Member States between 13 June and 8 July 2024. For this eighth Eurobarometer survey, 26 349 respondents from different social and demographic groups were interviewed in their national language.

Awareness of the CAP among EU citizens

According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, 78% of respondents say that they have heard of the support that the EU gives farmers through the CAP. This is the highest level of awareness of the EU’s agricultural policy since 2007, when it stood at 64%. In all 27 EU countries, large majorities are aware of the CAP.

Food security, safety, and quality

Strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain is one of the key objectives of the CAP. According to the Eurobarometer survey, 81% of respondents agree that the CAP contributes to securing a stable supply of food in the EU at all times. In all 27 EU countries, most respondents believe that the EU, through the CAP, is fulfilling its role in providing safe, healthy and sustainable food of high quality:

  • 71% think that it helps develop research, as well as digital solutions to support the agriculture and food sectors,
  • 70% believe it further strengthens farmers’ role in the food chain,
  • 70% think it helps boost investment and growth, and increases the number of jobs in the agriculture and food sectors and
  • 69% think it contributes to ensuring reasonable food prices.

Concerning the awareness of European quality labels, most Europeans (56%) recognise the organic farming logo. However, less than one quarter know the protected geographical indication and the protected designation of origin logos (19% and 18%, respectively).

Supporting farmers

In the latest Eurobarometer survey, more than half of respondents (56%) indicate that the level of EU financial support for farmers to help stabilise their income is about right, which represents an increase of ten percentage points since 2022 and the highest level since 2013. Respondents believe it is important to:

  • secure a stable supply of food in the EU at all times (94%),
  • ensure reasonable food prices for consumers (92%),
  • ensure sustainable management of natural resources (91%) and 
  • strengthen the role of farmers in the food chain (90%).

Respondents agreed that the following are important priorities of the CAP:

  • boosting investment and growth, and increasing the number of jobs in the agriculture and food sectors (89%),
  • encouraging young people to enter the agricultural sector (87%),
  • reducing disparities in the development of different regions and territories of the EU (87%),
  • helping tackle climate change (86%) and
  • developing research and digital solutions to support the agriculture and food sectors (84%).

EU agriculture, climate and the environment

Nearly nine out of ten respondents (88%, representing a 4-point drop since the last survey) are in favour of the EU continuing to make subsidy payments to farmers for carrying out agricultural practices beneficial to the climate and the environment:

  • 91% think that the CAP helps ensure sustainable management of natural resources,
  • around 70% think that the CAP contributes to ensuring sustainable management of natural resources and tackling climate change and
  • 62% agree that agriculture has already made a major contribution to fighting climate change.

Securing the future of rural areas

The survey revealed a positive attitude towards farmers: 

  • 92% agree that, in the EU, agriculture and rural areas are important for our future, while 52% view them as "very important",
  • 66% believe that the CAP contributes to reducing disparities in the development of different regions and territories of the EU and
  • 63% think that the CAP encourages young people to enter the agricultural sector.

EU trade agreements

A significant majority of Europeans have a positive view of the impact of EU trade agreements on EU agriculture and on them as consumers:

  • 76% agree that these agreements ensure diversification of markets and supplies of agricultural products in the EU,
  • more than seven in ten think that these trade deals enhance exports for EU agricultural products around the globe (73%) and
  • that they promote EU labour and environmental standards, including animal welfare, for agricultural production in other countries (71%).
