The information policy on the CAP plays an important role in increasing public awareness about the CAP and its role. Published today, the evaluation of the information policy on the common agricultural policy analyses information activities in recent years and provides guidance to maximise opportunities to better communicate on the new CAP.
Based on an external support study and findings of recent Eurobarometer surveys, the evaluation contributed to the reflections on the definition of information activities for the 2021 – 2025 period and informed the preparation of a Commission report to the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of CAP information measures.
The evaluation analyses the communication actions, or information measures, on the CAP carried out between 2016 and 2020 directly by the Commission via press relations, the website, social media and events; and also through the co-financed projects carried out by third parties through the information grant scheme.
The evaluation shows that the information actions on the CAP increase understanding of the policy and improve perception among stakeholders and EU citizens. Eurobarometer surveys indicated that nearly three out of four Europeans are aware of the CAP and consider that the CAP benefits all citizens, not just farmers. Actions carried out by the Commission and the grants projects complement each other in order to reach wider audiences on CAP related topics, conveying messages that are relevant for their audiences.
The evaluation also acknowledges scope to further improve the information measures and adapt them to the new CAP and to societal demands. There is potential to further highlight the contribution of the CAP in achieving the EU Green Deal sustainability objectives. Cooperation with the national authorities as regards communication to EU citizens might also be stepped up.
Implementation of information measures on the CAP is a legal requirement. This stipulates that information measures will help explain, implement and develop the CAP. They will raise public awareness of its content and objectives, including to farmers and other actors of rural areas. Information measures should also reinstate consumer confidence following crises through information campaigns. Finally, they should promote the European model of agriculture and contribute to the corporate communication on EU political priorities.
The information policy reflects the importance of the CAP in ensuring a stable supply of affordable food for citizens across the EU, supporting farmers and improving agricultural productivity. It should also highlight its role in preserving the socio-economic fabric of rural areas, and the increasingly important role of the CAP in climate change mitigation, protection of the natural environment and contributing to the achievement of the Green Deal objectives.
Related links
Information policy on the common agricultural policy
Special Eurobarometer No. 504 Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP - October 2020 - Eurobarometer survey (
Common monitoring and evaluation framework
Funds for information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
- Publication date
- 8 December 2021
- Author
- Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development