Podrobnosti o dvojstranných dohodách a obchode s agropotravinárskymi výrobkami medzi EÚ a regiónmi a krajinami sveta.
Informácie o tom, ako EÚ podporuje činnosť WTO, o dohode o poľnohospodárstve a o prioritách EÚ pri rokovaniach v oblasti poľnohospodárstva.
Information on the statistics collected, trade and policy analyses, agri-food monitoring reports and studies used to ensure delivery of CAP objectives.
Price monitoring, short and medium term outlooks, analytical briefs on market developments for agricultural commodities and food in the EU and worldwide.
Súvisiace odkazy
Information on EU trade of agri-food products.
How to export into and out of the EU, with practical information on rules, tariffs, procedures, and product requirements.