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Agriculture and rural development

Coordinating authorities in EU countries

Belgium | Bulgaria | Czechia | Denmark | Germany | Estonia | Ireland | Greece | Spain | France | Croatia | Italy | Cyprus | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Hungary | Malta | Netherlands | Austria | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovenia | Slovakia | Finland | Sweden

EU countryName of the administrationPostal addressE-mail
BelgiumAlgemene Directie Economische InspectieNorth Gate III,
Koning Albert II laan 16, 1000 Brussel
Eco [dot] inspec [dot] cdcateconomie [dot] fgov [dot] be (Eco[dot]inspec[dot]cdc[at]economie[dot]fgov[dot]be)
BulgariaMinistry of Agriculture Food and Forestry55 Hristo Botev Blvd, Sofia 1040vvtsvetkovaatmzh [dot] government [dot] bg (vvtsvetkova[at]mzh[dot]government[dot]bg)
CzechiaMinistry of AgricultureTesnov 65/17, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republicinfoatmze [dot] cz (info[at]mze[dot]cz)
DenmarkLandbrugsstyrelsenNyropsgade 30, DK-1780 København Vmailatlbst [dot] dk (mail[at]lbst[dot]dk)
GermanyQualitätskontrolleBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung
Deichmanns Aue 29, 53179 Bonn
qualitaetskontrolleatble [dot] de (qualitaetskontrolle[at]ble[dot]de)
EstoniaEstonian Agricultural BoardTeaduse str.2 Saku, Harju County, Estoniapmaatpma [dot] agri [dot] ee (pma[at]pma[dot]agri[dot]ee)
IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Food and MarineBackweston Administration Building, Stacumny Lane, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, W23 X3PHfruitandvegmsatagriculture [dot] gov [dot] ie (fruitandvegms[at]agriculture[dot]gov[dot]ie)
GreeceMinistry of Rural Development and Food - General Directorate of Sustainable Plant Production - Directorate of Processing and Quality Control of Food of Plant Production - Department of Quality and Safety of Food of Plant Origin2, Acharnon Str.,
10176 Athens, Greece
SpainSecretaría de Estado de Comercio Subdirección General de Inspección, Certificación  y  Asistencia Técnica de  Comercio Exterior (SOIVRE)

Paseo de la Castellana, 162, planta 6

CP 28046 Madrid

sgsoivre [dot] ssccatmincotur [dot] es (sgsoivre[dot]sscc[at]mincotur[dot]es)
FranceDGCCRF - Bureau 4C59, Boulevard Vincent Auriol, 75703 Paris cedex 13Bureau-4Catdgccrf [dot] finances [dot] gouv [dot] fr (Bureau-4C[at]dgccrf[dot]finances[dot]gouv[dot]fr)
CroatiaMinistry of Agriculture, Directorate for Agricultural Land, Crop Production and Market, Sector for Plant production and MarketUlica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagrebuprava [dot] poljoprivredeatmps [dot] hr (uprava[dot]poljoprivrede[at]mps[dot]hr)
ItalyAGEA Area Coordinamento
AGEA Ufficio Controlli Specific
Via Palestro, 81 - 00185 Roma, tel. +39 06 494991protocolloatpec [dot] agea [dot] gov [dot] it (protocollo[at]pec[dot]agea[dot]gov[dot]it)
CyprusDepartment of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and EnvironmentP.O.BOX: 24402, 1705, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel. No.: +35722408519, +35722408630
Fax No.: +35722781425, +35722408679
directoratda [dot] moa [dot] gov [dot] cy (director[at]da[dot]moa[dot]gov[dot]cy)
LatviaFood and Veterinary Service
Ministry of Agriculture
Rīga, Peldu iela 30, LV-1050, Latvija
Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1981, Latvija
pastsatpvd [dot] gov [dot] lv (pasts[at]pvd[dot]gov[dot]lv)
TKOatzm [dot] gov [dot] lv (TKO[at]zm[dot]gov[dot]lv)
LithuaniaMinistry of AgricultureGedimino av. 19, LT-01103 Vilniuszumatzum [dot] lt (zum[at]zum[dot]lt)
LuxembourgAdministration des services techniques de l'agriculture (ASTA) - Service de l'horticultureBoîte postale 1904
L-1019 Luxembourg
horticultureatasta [dot] etat [dot] lu (horticulture[at]asta[dot]etat[dot]lu)
HungaryNational Food Chain Safety Office, Department of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agro-Environment1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 141-145.ntiatnebih [dot] gov [dot] hu (nti[at]nebih[dot]gov[dot]hu)
MaltaMalta Food AgencyMalta Food Agency, Pitkali Markets, Limits of Attard, Ta’ Qaliinfo [dot] maltafoodagencyatgov [dot] mt (info[dot]maltafoodagency[at]gov[dot]mt)
NetherlandsDirectie EIA
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Foodquality
Directorate European, International and Agro-Economy Policy
Bezuidenhoutseweg 73
2594 AC Den Haag
Postbus 20401
2500 EK Den Haag
Contact form
AustriaFederal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
Directorate-General II - Agriculture and Rural Development
Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 71100 602782
quakoatbmlrt [dot] gv [dot] at (quako[at]bmlrt[dot]gv[dot]at)
PolandMain Inspectorate of Agricultural and Food Quality InspectionAleje Jerozolimskie 98
00-807 Warszawa
sekretariatatijhars [dot] gov [dot] pl
PortugalDireção-Geral de Alimentação e VeterináriaEdifício I – Tapada da Ajuda
1349-018 Lisboa, Portugal
dsnaatdgav [dot] pt (dsna[at]dgav[dot]pt)
RomaniaMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development (M.A.R.D.) General Directorate for Control, Anti-Fraud and Inspections Directorate for Inspections Monitoring, Verifications and Controls 2-4Carol I Bld, sector 3, Bucuresti - Romaniainspectiiatmadr [dot] ro (inspectii[at]madr[dot]ro)
SloveniaRepublic of Slovenia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and FoodDunajska cesta 22,  SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenijagp [dot] mkgpatgov [dot] si (gp[dot]mkgp[at]gov[dot]si)
SlovakiaMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic;

Dobrovičova 12, 812 66 Bratislava

Tel: +421259266351

odbor510atland [dot] gov [dot] sk (odbor510[at]land[dot]gov[dot]sk)
FinlandFinnish Food AuthorityTeaduse str.2 Saku, Harju County, Estoniapmaatpma [dot] agri [dot] ee (pma[at]pma[dot]agri[dot]ee)
SwedenSwedish Board of Agriculture
Department for Inspection and Control
Plant Inspection Division
S-551 82 Jönköping, Swedenvaxtkontrollatjordbruksverket [dot] se (vaxtkontroll[at]jordbruksverket[dot]se)
