Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsTraining and workshopsVisitsExhibitionsInfo daysPartner meetingsToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Organisers Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)Toggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events (20) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Subject agricultural market agricultural economics 29-30Jan2025Info daysPromotion of Agricultural Products: Info Days 2025Brussels, Belgium17Dec2024Partner meetingsSustainable animal nutrition solutions for the transition towards climate neutral livestock production systemsOnline only10-12Dec2024Conferences and summitsEU Agri-Food DaysBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available21Nov2024Training and workshopsWorkshop on climate change and the transition to sustainable agriculture28-29Oct2024VisitsEU agri-food business delegation to IndonesiaExternal event03Oct2024Training and workshopsWorkshop on farm structures and rural population26-29Jul2024ExhibitionsLibramont Fair 2024Libramont-Chevigny, BelgiumExternal event04Jul2024Training and workshopsWorkshop on the possible impact of EU enlargement on agricultural production and trade27-31May2024VisitsEU agri-food business delegation to KazakhstanAlmaty, KazakhstanExternal event21-26Apr2024VisitsEU agri-food business delegation to ChinaShanghai, ChinaExternal event 1Page 12Next
17Dec2024Partner meetingsSustainable animal nutrition solutions for the transition towards climate neutral livestock production systemsOnline only
21Nov2024Training and workshopsWorkshop on climate change and the transition to sustainable agriculture
04Jul2024Training and workshopsWorkshop on the possible impact of EU enlargement on agricultural production and trade